Man is not free unless government is limited.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

American Political Beliefs

Politics being one of my interests I can't help but include one more (I promise this will be the last and I won't be as lazy from here out) political column from Georgia College's newspaper The Colonnade (

The idea behind this is political beliefs and their importance. I guess this was an expression of how I feel from time to time when people take a political side without being informed or know what they believe. I think one of the best aspects of America is our freedom to hold any belief.

Americans reach conclusions on political beliefs from various outlets of influence. Whether it’s political pundits, a rhetoric-laden speech, persuasive newspaper article or Hollywood rant, political ideology should match one’s belief system.
We must choose wisely how we are influenced politically. Pundits have their own, biased agendas. Hollywood plays a role to entertain, NOT to influence or dictate our political beliefs. When they condescend to the public and try to educate our political belief, it’s laughable and should be enough to dissuade Americans.
Americans must determine their political beliefs from an educated perspective. An educated perspective encompasses history, issue research, a consideration of what’s best for America and one’s belief system. One cannot afford to be persuaded to what feels good at the time. When it comes to political issues, one must be constantly informed not merely on a set agenda. Knowledge of the issue and making an educated assumption is critical. It’s easy to react the way we are persuaded by the media or politicians, but we must remember these individuals are following a biased agenda.
Americans must make an effort to vote according to what they believe rather than what they feel at the time. When electing our officials it must be because we feel they are the most qualified for the position. Candidates will tell the public what they want to hear and make superfluous campaign promises, that they do not intend to keep. The true character of the candidate and how they view this country should be the most important qualifications. We cannot afford to take these decisions lightly because ultimately the people we elect make the decisions that affect our lives. We cannot fall into a trap because of a whim of feelings, media popularity tactics or other variety of excuses.
The political spectrum is far too broad for our political beliefs to boil down to party line decision-making ability. It’s far too easy and convenient to choose a political party to make our decisions for us. It’s no doubt that the core values we maintain might align ourselves toward the left, center or right but we cannot afford to become subjective. Our political motivations must match our motivations of this country’s direction and also our belief system. There also must be some form of mutual respect between our political beliefs and those of informed individuals holding contrasting ideologies. Just because someone holds a political view contrary to ours doesn’t mean they are wrong or ignorant.
This country’s Constitution protects the freedom to hold individual political beliefs and free and fair elections. We cannot take this for granted. As Americans we must vote in our elections and be educated on the issues and the candidates. Our political ideology is a reflection of how we view our country and a culmination of our belief system. Americans cannot afford to sell out our political beliefs for idealistic or uninformed reasons.

While I do not think that ONE political party has all the answers, because America is made up of diverse people with different opinions and beliefs. However,  I do personally feel there are certain issues (taxes, spending, national security, government size, government control, etc.) that should be examined very closely and carefully. Sometimes one might confuse idealism toward these issues and what is truly necessary. I feel that idealism can lead to people straying away from very important principles of America and onto what people "wish" was present in America. I feel this is a dangerous view, because America is already great and the Constitution provides our greatest principle, freedom. 

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