Man is not free unless government is limited.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tax Increases? More Spending? More Debt?

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." - Thomas Jefferson

I just read this article concerning the deal to raise the debt ceiling. Obama claims that the American Public is SOLD on the deal and the raising of taxes. I am not sure who he is polling on this issue, but I am quite certain that 80% of Americans have NOT and will NEVER agree with raising taxes and on most occasions its the people who aren't paying the taxes that are fine with them being raised. However, with this being said I am not surprised by this move considering everything about the "spreading of wealth"talk during the last election cycle. However, with that said the worst part of this is how loose the Government has been spending the money and now they are requiring a raise in taxes and an increase in the debt ceiling to bail us out? It cannot find myself to support tax increases or bailouts of any kind and it doesn't matter who is in office Republican or Democrat.

With all of this being said I will now provide some interesting quotations and info revolving around the deal

"The American people are sold," Obama said. "The problem is members of Congress are dug in ideologically."

Rep. Jackson Lee(D-Texas)   is playing the race card on this issue about how he isn't being treated with "respect" or "why everyone is trying to bring him down". She was obviously mentally absent during all of the incendiary speech against President Bush...

“Whoever the Republican nominee is,” he declared, “ we’re going to have a big serious debate about what we believe is the right way to guide American forward and to win the future.”
“And I’m confident that I will win that debate because ... we’ve got the better approach,” he added. 

--->Thanks for the increase in spending, incredible amount of debt and expansion of Government....I know you think more Government control is what's going to "win the future" but i'm not sure that makes it right...

This probably just all seems like a rant and it probably is, but I cannot come to terms with increased spending, debt ceiling and taxes after how ridiculous and out of control spending has gotten in this country... especially when President Obama claims he speaks for "80% of the Country" He didn't win 80% of the Country over during his "glory days" and I sure don't know how he can think he has won MORE people over with what he has done in office...


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